

Would you like a simple, online self-assessment platform that details the evidence needed for the 34 quality statements? If so, this is the platform for you!

Detailed within the 5 key questions, you and your team can work through each section creating your own action planning tool to becoming CQCFIT.

Once you are ready, click the Buy Now button to start your journey to becoming CQCFIT.

Uses current guidelines

Our service is based on the single assessment framework. All of the requirements are up to date and continually reviewed.


Your dashboard gives you a simple overview of your progress to becoming CQC FIT.

Fully secure

We don't store your evidence documentation, we simply allow you to enter where the evidence is located for when you need to find it.


CQCFIT is an online platform with a list of evidence required for each Quality Statement within the 5 Key Questions. It is cloud based so you can access your practice from any device connected to the internet and update your evidence and compliance on the go.

The platform asks you to detail where your evidence is held, but unlike some other platforms you are not required to upload the evidence onto CQCFIT.

The platform allows you to work on quality statements one at a time so you can assess, evidence, and improve.

Simple to use

We let you know what you need to evidence to be CQC FIT

Colour-coded Dashboard

You can see your compliance levels at a glance and show this at performance meetings

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Your dashboard provides an overview of progress to be CQC FIT. Split into the defined CQC questions, your dashboard is an invaluable resource showing how far you are along your journey to provide the evidence for each of the 34 quality statements.

Simple overview

Progress at a glance

Great for meetings

Colour coded


Quality Statements

Each question is described and shows the dedicated quality statements. Our status indicators allow you to immediately see your progress, showing the complete, incomplete and in progress sections.

Question descriptions

Status indicators

Simple navigation

Colour coded



We detail the evidence categories for best practice guidance and the regulated activities each quality statement lands in. We also link you to supporting documentation where this is available. You enter the location of your evidence meaning you choose your preferred platform to keep all evidence in one place.

No uploading required

Supporting guidance

Status indicators

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